Gifted and special needs education
Every child has potential
Amelia Earhart Grundschule is an inclusive school. We make it our task to develop each kids individual potential, which is defined by its genetics, social background and upbringing. For this it is important, to discover and utilize each individual potential for talent and creativity. Our approach is that every child has such potential. Talent is inherent; its development depends on the environment.
Are the students supported properly?
At an inclusive school all children are learning together – students with special talents as well as students with special needs. Each class at Amelia Earhart Grundschule is able to accommodate up to three students with special needs. They are taught as part of the respective class and receive individual and specific support from our special education team. Students that learn at a faster pace can be fostered in a similar fashion. These students will receive expanded tasks that are modeled to fit their respective needs and abilities in order to provide adequate challenges.
How is dyslexia identified and how does Amelia Earhart Grundschule react?
Twice a year each student takes a standardized spelling test in order to examine each student’s individual ability to spell. This test provides detailed information about the student’s spelling quality, personal development and use of spelling strategies. Furthermore, the texts written by each student in class are used for an ongoing evaluation. If a child shows signs of a writing disability the school provides additional spelling and writing tutoring in smaller groups outside of the classroom.
As scientific studies widely disagree on the validity of different tests for giftedness the pedagogical standpoint of Amelia Earhart Grundschule is to encourage a careful and informed approach.